
IDEC Elektrotechnik GmbH

Who We Are

In today’s dynamic technological environment, automation and electronic products must change rapidly to provide versatility while supporting increasingly intelligent and networked mechanical systems. With this in mind, IDEC creates products to meet the needs of our customers.

Industrial Components

IDEC designs and manufactures control automation products that are sold to original equipment manufacturers. Our goal is to meet our customers‘ ever changing needs with quality products at a competitive price. With products that direct processes and systems, our components are used in a variety of applications. You may see our switches in an elevator, a subway station or on a factory control panel. Our relays, power supplies or timers may be in a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) unit or a water dispensing machine. Our PLCs might be controlling robots in a manufacturing process or factory automation setting. In addition, our products can be found at car washes, in vending machines, animal feedlots, escalators, and water treatment plants.

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Produkte von IDEC in unserem Sortiment…

HMI Bedienterminals

Automatisierung Steuerungen IDEC


Automatisierung Sensorik


Automatisierung LED Leuchten

LED Leuchten


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